Rihanna's latest single is called S&M. it is a song about how she likes it rough. The song is pretty raunchy. It kind of puts into perspective what kind of sex she had while dating Chris Brown.

Not too long after the dirty pop song got released, a remix emerged. Now remixes have the potential to be better than the original. And this one has fallen short of being anything great. For some reason producers thought it would be a good idea to have two pop stars remix the song.
Naturally I am attracted to Brit Spears because I have been listening to her music and following her career since I was 9. So when the radio DJ introduced the remix, I was kind of excited. But when I actually heard the version featuring Ms. Brit Spears, I couldn't tell it was a remix!!
Sorry Brit but your in the same boat as Kayne West. He is featured in Katy Perry's E.T. and well... his performance doesn't do anything really for the song. It only showcases that he is still an ass. Check out the lyrics of his part in the song and you will see what I mean.
Is it possible for there to be a S&M re-remix? Cause that would be awesome if someone like Drake put some rhymes to add some flavor to the song. The ladies just don't have the vocal strength to make the track more than just a party song for the moment.
The song reminds me of how Dido's Thank you was the full length version of her part on Eminem's Stan. Dido's voice works well with Eminem's lyrics, but her voice doesn't have the same effect on her own.
Well, I gave you my opinion. lol What do you think of the song?